Monday, April 11, 2011

Rom Editor Pokemon Mac


eurodiputadoscaraduras # # was trending topic (most commented) on Twitter the day after the vote in Parliament Europe on a proposal for their Lordships to travel in economy class, who missed the votes, among others, of the 36 English PSOE, PP and UPyD. Just voted for seat sharing with you or me the four Catalans, who know that need the money since childhood. Others, like do not know and on top is not his, because as the rich pull behind the curtain that gives status. That tourists are no periodic charge whiskey and no queue for the bathroom. Buuf. To avoid repetition, I refer to a previous post, political or idiots

The label placed by a standing valdesano 26, swept the Internet and with good reason. Is not justifiable to claim the same austerity and decisive action to ease the crisis, the story does not apply. Because they are not cheap, are the salaries, allowances, pensions, cars, mobile .... If you had to pay it out of pocket would dawn, but of course, is what you and I pay our own. They only vote for subírselo (and to raise your taxes and reduce your salary to you) any day vote to do their jobs for life and hereditary. And silence, which are first class.

This MEPs, but our members do not fall short. Read here its economic regime and tell me if some earn their salary. For with the same audacity, van and presented in the lists for the elections of May 2011 nearly a hundred defendants in corruption process. With two balls and no shame. Do not be surprised that, in surveys, 67% suspend ZP and 66% for MR. And they grow ever more abstention, the white vote and rate movements certainly do not deserve our vote, but they botemos by cheeky


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