Monday, February 28, 2011

Play Indian Big Breast

"Political or idiots?

Remember the Greeks, inventors of the Politik? To policy they would be the science of state affairs and political the one who cares to live in society, ie dealing with regard to the affairs of the polis, in front of the idiot (from idios private) that only takes care of its own affairs. Thus, rotating citizens access to public office, in which remained a year, during which charged exactly what they earned in civilian life and at the end of the mandate, the jury checked if their assets had increased by only drachma. If so, he banished him and saw the cops confiscated all their property, which reverted in public works and the common good.

Returning to the present and talk about our own. Could speak of the millions of euros that cost us these empty benches in Brussels. O International Monetary Fund (IMF) not only failed to anticipate the crisis but even blessed the day before the cause and speculative practices. The sale that they all made our souls to the god market, which is none other than banks and financial institutions, whose profits continue to grow outrageously. Weapons change oil, sequestered by multinational democracies and dictatorships supported by Democrats. Of presidents of government, with millionaire public salary Life, which added millions of euros in positions of private enterprise. Of the 105 million euros with a turnover of our MPs on mobile. A total lack of responsibility in the exercise of public office, that you and I both require work. The corrupt, the unreliable, the pimps, bullies and scoundrels subjects that populate our local, regional, state ... In this large constellation parasitic, that is, who lives at the expense of others and the more it grows the more we suck.

The rogues are all about, and so have joined the PSOE and PP, CiU and PNV, first to slim rescuing the banks, causing the mortgage crisis with its and now for the giving of household refuse, ie changing the formula floor for mortgage (in 2011 only half a million foreclosures expected) there are, outside of a reality that is not yours, to the society they live, occupied only their own private affairs ... "Political or idiots, therefore? You have the answer.

Wireless Plug And Play Drivers

Now, close your eyes.

Close your eyes.
No matter who you are, where you are

where you go or where you come from. Breathe and feel

here with us that you
feel the hot breath of this moment

vibrate in unison.

wake up together,
stellar energy inexhaustible life.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Speech For A Company's Anniversary

Gaddafi, leader of the ignominy

Brother Leader and Guide of the Revolution, she refuses to believe that the curtain falls on his work. The histrionic character has taken over the person that once was and does not distinguish the reality of his fiction. It only remains true that other great clown Berlusconi: I refer to a previous post, Gaddafi, Berlusconi, Amazon and Velino.

may really believe that those who oppose him, tired of autocratic dictatorship lasts 42 years, are young, drunk and drugged rats fed by hatred abroad, terrorist infiltrators. I think, and also that his killing is legitimate. It depends on their survival. Going to go house to house, is conducting a random killing, cruel and murderous. He rants that he will die a martyr, but not alone. And the repression has increased anger, accelerating spiral of violence and nobody knows anything, it has been busy turning out the light. Knows that will happen, is happening. And he refuses to take a dose of his own medicine.

What strange perversion
genetic and cultural, common to homo sapiens in all cultures and all times, allows an ego soars above the rest, subjecting one to a crowd? Soars, you accept, is surrounded by parasites who grow fat while praising removes any dissent, multiply their hobbies to the implausibility, lie, steal, kill ... and stay in power under a divine halo until it dies for good or you Put down the bad. What other reactive gene causes those previously submitted, the oppressed will one day stand, die, fight for something called freedom in all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world?

could not be as pretty as in Tunisia and Egypt, is unclear. By the way, Ben Ali has been given a stroke and Mubarak has entered a terminal phase of cancer. Remove them from power (and why they are the first in the ranking of the richest in the world) will cause irreversible damage, maybe that's why Gaddafi, who has been stripping the barbs of its neighbors, has decided to become immortal. And nothing better for that than your name into the annals of ignominy.

And the UN, EU, U.S., I remind him that his silence means ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cydia Repo Pokemon Silver

One summer night divine justice

Open publication - Free publishing - More stories

Once inside the library staffs, the Association of Writers of Asturias, presenting the book One summer night, which gathers stories inspired the title of David Barreiro, José Ángel Ordiz, Fernando Fonseca, Maria Luisa Sarasu Prada, Ricardo Labra, Nacho Guirado, Pilar Sánchez Vicente, Gerardo Lombardi, José Luis Espina Pedro Antonio Ordaz Jorge Curto, Juan García Campal, Mariano Arias, Manuel D. Abad, Ernesto Colsa, Raul Castanon, Luisgé Martin, Hilary J. Rodriguez and Manuel García Rubio

Nineteen short stories of many other writers, among whom I include myself with pride, and an introduction by Javier Lasheras, director of the project. New forms of publishing, new forms of writing, collaborative and exciting. Keep you informed of new books of the association, but if anyone wants, for now, I can go full-screen reading.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Danny Play Piano With Victoria

I'm watching a program that is named C22.
Beautiful title for a very entertaining program on network TV and that leads me to be turned on the TV for an hour.
Their drivers take it to one with a taste and passion for the world of good talk, good reading, good understanding and good recall.
And besides, they give you books, magazines, often, very often, records.
But I see this program for the gifts. In fact, I have not even made any attempt to call or send answers via the Internet. But I can not see them.
"The Blessed Word" is a worthy example of what television is made enjoyable elements to learn new things and remember some out there that we had left. It is also a pleasant way to spend an hour watching TV without violence.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Melina Velba Back In The Office

finally agree on something with the Vatican! I think of justice as divine as that the john Berlusconi (I can call it that, finally after all claims to it) is judged by three women. It is not revenge, no. As the Vatican, divine justice. Through the Catholic magazine "Famiglia Cristiana" says literally: "You, Berlusconi has served you badly of women, and women themselves will now be justice." So, yes, then come together in the photo, it will be a figlio of a bitch, but it is yours. And God is with them.

women's revolt, which this week drew hundreds of thousands to the streets of 280 cities in Italy and abroad, to demand the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and reject the sexist and patriarchal politics, has led to the collapse of Prime Minister in the polls. I hope it is true when rates it! How does the girl in the picture, not doing enough. I was hesitant because of my gender, but I'm regaining faith. To see that trick, trick, joke, now or invents new decree approving it builds up.
Of course, for he remains a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, Marxist and terrorist. As alluded to Camps (the man backed by the world's democracies worldwide, olé pride, sinful capital) empuerca Justice and judges who are not their friends to justify the unjustifiable, ie not resign after being accused of, basted, defendant, Gürtel ("everybody else will and he does not?)

Whenever I look more, with those faces mummified skin stretched and artificially tanned and rigid smiles, false, cynical, bad-tempered; the graft stained, polished the bald head. So artificial in its deception, as shameful in his unworthiness. Berlusconi is held with 5 million votes (that's what is actually in a country of 60 million people) and give the power of television, mafias and their relatives, which allow you to shield legislatively crime. That Camps like, should see their idol, the hero to imitate with great Extio: Above law, Beyond Good and Evil. A Camps are reluctant to keep it, even to declare his divinity with havoc caused to the big rotten frightening and more than one will burn your hands and not enmendallo sostenello.

See if this fall and, at least, we lose sight of their hideous masks, their offensive foolishness. I'm tired of changing the channel every time they go. No win for stomach protector.

How Do I Make Mothers Milk Tea Iced


(Leopoldo Abadía (Zaragoza, 1933), English teacher and writer known for his analysis of the current economic crisis.)

Leopoldo Abadía, author of "The crisis Ninja, "he says in his article:
" I wrote a friend saying that he is very concerned about the future of their grandchildren. Do not know what to do: If you leave an inheritance for studying or spending the money with his wife and that "God will take confessed." Lo
take confessed that God is a good desire, but I think that has nothing to do with his concern. In many of my lectures, stood a lady (that is asked of women) and say that phrase that makes me me so funny, "What world are we leaving our children?" Now, as I see more and see that my children are grown and handled well by the world, I usually say, "What world are we leaving our grandchildren?"

I usually have an answer, which I am increasingly convinced "" and me, what do I care?! "
may sound a bit wrong, but is that really very little I care. I was an only child. Now when I meet with 64 other members of my immediate family, I think what my parents would say, if they saw me because of 1 to 65 crowded. At least, 64.
My parents were a model for me. Cared much for my things, I was encouraged to study away from home (something fundamental, which I'll talk another day, that helps you take your beret and discover that there are other worlds out of your town, your street and your apartment), they turned to be happy. And I demanded a lot. But what world I left?
For you see, I left:
1. The English Civil War

2. World War II
3. The two atomic bombs
4. Korea
5. Vietnam
6. The Balkans
7. Afghanistan
8. Iraq
9. Internet
10. Globalization
And I, for é This is the list that has left me in one go, without thinking.
If I think a little, write a book.
Do you guys think that my parents thought the world would I leave? If they could not imagine!
What I did was something I never thank them enough: try to give me a very good training. If you do not catch it, it was my fault. That's what I want to leave my children, because if I start to think about what will happen in the future, I will go into depression and besides, it will be useless because they do not help at all. I would like my children and the children of this man who has written me yours and those of others, people were responsible, healthy, clean looking, honest, no gossips, honest, loyal. What
out there called " good people."
Because if they are good people make a better world.

therefore less worry and more children to give them a good education, they know right from wrong, do not say that anything goes, think of others, to be generous. . . .
These dots can put all the good things that happen to you.
At the end of a conference last week, I was approached by a young lady with two young children. Since that day I had also wondered what the world they
we leave our children, said she was very concerned what children were going to leave this world.

A young lady had plenty of wisdom, and made me think.
And again I realize the importance of fathers. Because it's easy to think that the world in the future, as evil that is all, but as parents do not realize that children are up to you and that if they go wrong, the responsibility is theirs to 97% and if they go wrong, too, do not fix things.
And the Government and the Autonomous Regions will be exhausted Education Plans by removing the subject of Philosophy and relocating, adding the course of history of my people (for what to think big) or removing it, saying you need to know English and all these things.
But the main thing is the other: parents.
I know you all are busy, things are not like before, that the father and mother come home tired, that when they arrive, the children watch junk TV, that freedom is what carried, that the authority of parents is so last century. I know everything. ALL. But not going to be that as we know everything, do nothing.
Leopoldo Abbey.
P. D .1. I have not spoken of the grandchildren, because that have parents.
2. I, with my grandchildren, to lunch and talk nonsense and laugh, and tell the notes out his father as a child.
3. And so, in addition to fun, perhaps helped form. "
* Eye: Boldface is mine.

Uno Frustration Rules

enough for me.

Albeit with a little delay ...

If I were God

and had the secret

would a be accurate to you;

try it

(in the manner of bakers

when tested bread, ie

with the mouth),

and if that flavor was

like yours, or

the same smell, and your way


and silent,

and shake my hand strictly

and kiss without harming

-of this I am Insurance: get

much attention when you kiss;


if I were God,

could repeat yourself and repeat yourself,

always the same and always different,

without never tired of the game identical

without ignoring either you went

why you would be in no time;

I do not know if I explain, but I

clarify that if I were

God would

best to be Angel Gonzalez

to love as I love you,

to await calmly

to yourself you think each

to be surprised every morning

newborn light your own

light, and run

impalpable curtain that separates

sleep of life,

rising with your word,

Lazarus cheerful


still wet

shadows and laziness,

surprised and absorbed

in contemplation of everything

that, together with myself,

recover and save, move, let

abandoned when-then-shut ...

(I hear your silence.


constellations exist.

I believe in you.


enough for me.)

Poems of Angel Gonzalez

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Psychometric Test Cruise Line

The Wonderland (memories of a film buff)

Viewing Ceremony of Goya returned to my mind the smell of air freshener cinemas, when smoking in the buffet, there was continuous session and film break in the middle had to change the roll. The film was a noisy and smelly shelter, display a magical window into worlds unexplored and animated fantasy films fiction novels aftertaste left in memory. The wonderland.

were many cinemas in Gijón. On the Champs Elysees not got to know, but regular visitor to the Goya, María Cristina, Robledo, the Avenue, the FAC, Hernan Cortes, Arango, Albeniz ... On Saturday afternoon, my father took me to the movies, not one, if not three, one per session, if well understood, did not see a movie, but three, at 5, at 7 and 9 . In each, took out two seats and sat beside him in the hallway and next chair, designed after my father disappeared NODE ("Do not move, I return before the end") and I was separated from the next viewer line for a seat empty. He was a friend of all the ushers and spent the afternoon with them in the bar when the bars served COPAZ of brandy, Cokes were thick glass bottle with the logo painted in white and popcorn had not yet owned place. I understand that the film used as a nursery and will never be grateful enough. Those movie nights and loneliness, gasp, ojiplática, motionless, in front of the screen, is one of the best memories I have of childhood. The world and me. So many worlds to discover, by brand! Many emotions, how exciting!

Then come the teen years, the sitting at the door Brisamar the arthouse cinema in Cimavilla to let us pass, which depended on the goalkeeper. Prohibited flavored films used to close the final scene with applause and Prologue gatherings. The Hollywood was welcome por su novedad, un multicine con varias salas, sin saber que aquello era el principio del final. Casi a la par llegó el vídeo.

Ahora quedan el Yelmo Cineplex, los cines Centro y el Autocine. Y es difícil encontrar en alguno de las salas una película que no sea puramente comercial. Así que me pregunto si algún día veremos en Gijón “Pa negre” o si la tendremos que descargar. Que quieren que les diga, ni home cinema ni ná, para mí sigue siendo el cinema la home de los sueños. Lo malo es que, ahora, hasta los sueños siguen el pensamiento lineal y no hay alternativa, ni aunque medie un Goya. No se si Internet será la salvación del Cine, pero a los cines no saves and no god.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Commex Scanner I Manuale

be back soon! Mare Nostrum ... necessitatibus

For personal questions of a positive nature, we feel the need to make a break of a couple of weeks. At the turn-in early March, "I'll bring nutritious issues already are cooking in the oven for when you wake Morfeo again.

Kisses and hugs.

Adding Rc To A Model Yacht

Young Jan. 25, the Revolution lost the train civic

activists, surfers, bloggers, and civic revolutionaries. Exemplary citizenship, the Egyptian. A paradigm Youth movement January 25, architects virtual revolt. For those still doubting the powers-still-emerging of the network to change the world, there is that anonymous movement which was tested in Iraq, dressed in green in Iran has been able to desncadenar the tsunami that is sweeping the Arab world . There are, women and men, young and old. The street is yours.

But for me, the most impressive view is sweeping, cleaning, picking, washing, cleaning, painting. So revolutionary and peaceful (if Gandhi raised his head!) As civil. This is my city, this is my country, this is my home. And act accordingly: after sweeping the dictatorship, I shine to the plaza released. If the new era is coming to visit you find my home spotless.

I remember Al-Andalus, the magnificent, the gardens and water, with their libraries of knowledge and culture of scented baths, perhaps most surprising and shocking to Christians, who moved the shirt or sleep or a year and that for the Arabs refined, "smelled like pigs." The urinals themselves pulling out of the window.

And then comes to my mind the bottle and think about the low esteem, no consideration with our youth, our future, public spaces, according to the tons of waste left in the appears to be his home. Not offended, like the old Christians, the stench, garbage, the shit stuck to his ass.

Other countries, other customs. There are many lessons we learned from these young Egyptians, in this February that appears in May.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wedding Welcome Background

The soul of this Asturies embarrassed, permanently embarked on superstructures, as Muselón, Zalia, the Niemeyer, the burial of track in Gijon, Metrotrén ... of which is unknown fate and whether they will or not a public utility rather than the movement of trucks or work in the end. And if you go to a town, quiet, there will be an indoor pool, museum or interpretive center and house of culture. And ten kilometers same. No matter the aging of the population and depopulation, or the museum or interpretive center never opens, a continent without content, or that all the wonderful facilities are served by a single person, SUV and multitasking, which exerts a paltry salary of the agreement of offices as a librarian, animator / a sociocultural, custodian, agent of equality, reporter / a tourist information ... How there will be no unemployment in this region!

I say region, no country or nation, because if so, whether we had or we had some entity, not taken away from us, as well as aircraft, train connects with the plateau. First there were two, day and night, no, no, Alvia, much better. Now Alvia not hear, the 120,050 that are much better total than nothing.

With the lowest birthrate in Europe and nearly 90,000-pound unemployed from destitution by the early retirement-in this country of old and unemployed, what can I say, have long since lost the train. Lo Alvia, as the housing bubble was an illusion.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Staph Belly Button Navel

Asturias Surge

welcome the emergence of a new online journal, World Asturias ( ) that is bursting onto the media landscape and the Asturian network. World Asturias currently over 500 entries daily average, less than half a year.

As they define:

AsturiasMundial is an independent digital born into a new era of information, with the expansion of the global network and the popularity of social networking sites. Its design is fresh, modern changing and more pleasant to enjoy content which unite the local and global.

AsturiasMundial not seek or encourage the conflict or confrontation, and does not encourage defeatism or negativity: It seeks to create space for meeting and reflection that are positive, creative and pluralist In order to think and define future goals. (Not the one that arrives first run but who knows where it wants to).

Our philosophy is that this task for both young and old in spirit. To each other, bequeather and craftsmen, compete to work for a better scenario for the society to which we belong.

AsturiasMundial is a participatory platform that focuses attention on subjects that are not served by traditional means or those who follow the 'role model', and make available voices and opinions that do not have adequate channels of expression . We like to promote on entertainment line, placing the emphasis on advances in research, science and progress of thought, and to facilitate and expand the use of new technologies and new forms of communication and marketing.

Long life and wish him much participation in this new media!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Topless Top Deck Cruise Ships


Today I ask you to come with me to take a trip to my beloved Mediterranean. You only a few minutes. Many, before they did and everyone left him a part of himself. What we want to leave us?

According to Alfonso Colodrón

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Girdles And Stocking Swim

changes in the Arab Writers' Association

"A wave of change in the Arab world erupted in the early twenty-first century ..." books will pray for our grandchildren to refer to events that we are living and being triggered if we look at the butterfly effect, the immolation a fruit bowl. The straw that broke the camel, eye according to the data and published sources, was that a (female) police to mock him, not being a cop, but as a woman it's the worst that can happen, the lowest, a man in the Arab world.

one hand, travels to the joy you see as the population goes out and gets overthrow despotic regimes. The Arab world is experiencing a political upheaval driven by anger against corrupt leaders and the gap created between these rulers enriched and a youth with no future. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan ... the tsunami threatens political dynasties Gulf and spread into Asia.

Given the absolute impossibility of predicting the future and the relative possibility that the result is, as in Iran, "who will come after me will do me good, some thoughts.

Muslim fundamentalists seem to hide the hand. Scares me. It is true that the riots start, mainly young, hopefully have their May 68 and hit the French Revolution. Solving. But he landed in Tunis and imam of the day, received praise and smell of crowds. With the church we have encountered. At worst, these young people communicate over the Internet are expected tomorrow fundamentalist, no trace of the freedoms that are at risk of dying in the streets and squares.

Moreover, these rulers were supported by the U.S. and Europe. They were dictators, but "our" dictators. The international community is torn between timid statements against them and support for insurgent movements with small mouth. What role does take now? Would have to see the cables from embassies ...

And speaking of roles, you can not neglect the Internet, Twitter, the Network Caralibro ... Something like Wikileaks which speaks of new forms of communication, information, organization, action. What remains to be seen in this brand new century ...

Everyday Minerals Apple Blush Swatch

The path of experience

T period poem should begin and end with beauty wisdom. (...) Has ever said that the important thing is not to write the poem, but to live. When the experience is really intense put it into words is very simple, as they emerge with urgency and fluidity: as a raging torrent that becomes a stream first and then gentle river. "I extract these words of introduction signed by Colodrón in the book of Thich Nhat Hanh "Call me by my true names."
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who was once nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the end of the war and reconciliation in Vietnam. I continue to quote: " It took several years to soak in the content of these poems whose depth allows them to be stripped of all artifice, however, from the first moment I knew I wanted to translate and give the reader the opportunity in English to share experiences and insight into one of the few spiritual teachers alive, it's not going to master, but a simple monk. "
After this beautiful introduction, I share with you another of the poems in this Master who, like all his poetry is not only steeped in beauty and wisdom, but of simplicity, strength, inspiration and peace.

Twenty-four hours from scratch.

waking this morning, I see the blue sky.
One my hands in thanks
for the many wonders of life
by having twenty-four hours in total new to me.
the sun dawns.
The forest becomes my full attention
bathed by the sun.

Road in a field between sunflowers.
Tens of thousands of flowers face east bright.
My Mindfulness is like the sun.
My hands planted seeds for the next harvest.
My ear is filled by the sound of the rising tide.
In a splendid sky, emerging cheerfully
clouds everywhere.
I can see the fragrant lotus pond in my hometown.
I can see the crocodiles along the rivers.
I can see the rice fields that stretch and stretch,
laughing in the sun and rain.
Mother Earth gives us coriander, basil, celery and mint.
Tomorrow the hills and mountains of the country
will be green again.
outbreaks of life tomorrow will be opened soon.
Popular poetry is as sweet as the rhymes. Thich Nhat Hanh

"Call me by my true names."