Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peeing Alot Sick To Stomach

sure you already know, who is not! And if not, it's time. Maxi Rodriguez, writer, actor, screenwriter and film and theater director, activist, tireless ... I have seen in chicken meat (and if you watch it, please) and now you can watch these short great to have hanging on their site. And when you finish, think. Do not you deserve a space in the TPA? Not really. They are offered as facts, but more that there is no room for football and formula one, who put everything in the budget. Was it not a regional television? Yes, but do not go thinking that means leaving Asturias cultural products. And do not speak with bitterness, though, with three novels published since there Ente Communication, I have not once stepped on set and I have done an interview (except radio). Neither me nor the other authors Asturias. It seems that is the slogan or theater or music or literature. Excludes programming TV everything produced in Asturias, less scenery, cuisine and events. Since we do not hire José Luis Moreno bad we ...

Following last week I was watching his latest play, Precarious Theatre. I also advise her. It takes courage, humor and wit to synthesize the political, social and economic of the country in half a dozen sketches. Get leave a message without making a brochure and counterpoints are fully achieved. You and I have lived those conversations, those situations, what has happened to us there account. It is true that good actors help a great director.


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