Friday, February 18, 2011

How Do I Make Mothers Milk Tea Iced


(Leopoldo Abadía (Zaragoza, 1933), English teacher and writer known for his analysis of the current economic crisis.)

Leopoldo Abadía, author of "The crisis Ninja, "he says in his article:
" I wrote a friend saying that he is very concerned about the future of their grandchildren. Do not know what to do: If you leave an inheritance for studying or spending the money with his wife and that "God will take confessed." Lo
take confessed that God is a good desire, but I think that has nothing to do with his concern. In many of my lectures, stood a lady (that is asked of women) and say that phrase that makes me me so funny, "What world are we leaving our children?" Now, as I see more and see that my children are grown and handled well by the world, I usually say, "What world are we leaving our grandchildren?"

I usually have an answer, which I am increasingly convinced "" and me, what do I care?! "
may sound a bit wrong, but is that really very little I care. I was an only child. Now when I meet with 64 other members of my immediate family, I think what my parents would say, if they saw me because of 1 to 65 crowded. At least, 64.
My parents were a model for me. Cared much for my things, I was encouraged to study away from home (something fundamental, which I'll talk another day, that helps you take your beret and discover that there are other worlds out of your town, your street and your apartment), they turned to be happy. And I demanded a lot. But what world I left?
For you see, I left:
1. The English Civil War

2. World War II
3. The two atomic bombs
4. Korea
5. Vietnam
6. The Balkans
7. Afghanistan
8. Iraq
9. Internet
10. Globalization
And I, for é This is the list that has left me in one go, without thinking.
If I think a little, write a book.
Do you guys think that my parents thought the world would I leave? If they could not imagine!
What I did was something I never thank them enough: try to give me a very good training. If you do not catch it, it was my fault. That's what I want to leave my children, because if I start to think about what will happen in the future, I will go into depression and besides, it will be useless because they do not help at all. I would like my children and the children of this man who has written me yours and those of others, people were responsible, healthy, clean looking, honest, no gossips, honest, loyal. What
out there called " good people."
Because if they are good people make a better world.

therefore less worry and more children to give them a good education, they know right from wrong, do not say that anything goes, think of others, to be generous. . . .
These dots can put all the good things that happen to you.
At the end of a conference last week, I was approached by a young lady with two young children. Since that day I had also wondered what the world they
we leave our children, said she was very concerned what children were going to leave this world.

A young lady had plenty of wisdom, and made me think.
And again I realize the importance of fathers. Because it's easy to think that the world in the future, as evil that is all, but as parents do not realize that children are up to you and that if they go wrong, the responsibility is theirs to 97% and if they go wrong, too, do not fix things.
And the Government and the Autonomous Regions will be exhausted Education Plans by removing the subject of Philosophy and relocating, adding the course of history of my people (for what to think big) or removing it, saying you need to know English and all these things.
But the main thing is the other: parents.
I know you all are busy, things are not like before, that the father and mother come home tired, that when they arrive, the children watch junk TV, that freedom is what carried, that the authority of parents is so last century. I know everything. ALL. But not going to be that as we know everything, do nothing.
Leopoldo Abbey.
P. D .1. I have not spoken of the grandchildren, because that have parents.
2. I, with my grandchildren, to lunch and talk nonsense and laugh, and tell the notes out his father as a child.
3. And so, in addition to fun, perhaps helped form. "
* Eye: Boldface is mine.


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