Sunday, January 9, 2011

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(III) Third year of awakenings


inaugurated in August praising songs summer. We were released in new applications , while remembering that wings are not needed to keep own way. Finally, we said goodbye to this month emphasizing the valuable purpose of farewells .

continue in September to clarify what is resilience. wandered a bit from our memories to continue walking down the joy without denying fear, if it appeared.

October, we began discussing the connection between art and madness . We stopped at compassionate love and stressed the difficulty of giving steps to finish by paying a deserved tribute to Miguel Hernández ,

In November, we published the chronicle of a death foretold and never losing hope in its rebirth, we unveil some of keys creativity.

try raise awareness of the importance to health care weight and I said goodbye wish you a good start to the year end and .


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