Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cydia Pokémon Rom Source

If you ask me how I,
tell you that I want everything.
This morning you and I,
and all human beings,
are devastated by the wonderful power
of the unit. ..

Small pieces of imagination that we
've come a long way to find
for ourselves in the dark, the illusion of emancipation.

This morning, my brother returned from his great adventure.
kneels before the altar,
eyes filled with tears.
Your soul longs for a coast in which anchor
(a desire that I met at another time.)
Let him kneel down and mourn.
your heart Let him sob.
Let him take refuge here a thousand years,
enough to remove all of their tears.

One night, I'll be
and set fire to their refuge.
The small hut on the hill.
My fire will destroy all
and destroy their only lifeline after the wreck.

In the extreme anguish of his soul,
will break the shell
The light from the burning cabin will see
its glorious release.
I wait
next to the cabin in flames.
Tears run down my cheeks.
I'll be there to see her new self.
And while taking her hands in mine,
ask him what he wants:
he will smile and tell me who wants it all,
same thing I said. Thich Nhat Hanh

"Call me by my true names."


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