Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Europe?

For those who want to communicate ... there are no barriers.

Today has been a precious thing: no esncontraba a street and I asked a man who has proven to be deaf. I thought I was going to be very difficult communicate, because I am a beginner in this language of signs, but has made me see that I could read my lips.

Instead of giving up, I've been and I've come to ask for directions. Still do not quite understand why I uploaded runners from the voice while trying to gesticulate over. After that, asked me to follow him. I've been walking alongside, and in the most narrow, we I have missed before. Continuaente looked back to make sure I was. In fact, I followed him, his slow but determined, wondering if I should ask if she that compartiésemos my umbrella (rain) or if, perhaps, would be too violent paar him. When we come to that, apparently, was where I wanted, I made a gesture for him to look up. There was the street!. With a smile, extended his hand and I have shaken gently with mine, at the same time, I have given a sense of "thanks." So it's turned and continued walking.

I felt extremely happy.


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