Saturday, May 14, 2011

Manx Beach Buggies For Sale 2011

Stolen Lives and found

They also say that in this country was a war ... A war where the victors buried the losers in the gutters, stealing the identity and name, depriving their descendants of the past and condemning a future orphan. buried the memory of a country, but also many empty coffins. Infants who were never dead, but sold.

Initially, the postwar baby trafficking obtained a legal cover to be framed in a process of "positive eugenics", about Hitler, for "multiplicar a los selectos y dejar que perezcan los débiles", ideada por el psiquiatra de cabecera del franquismo, Nicolás Vallejo-Nájera. Ese siniestro plan incluía el robo de niños para entregárselos a familias del Régimen. Hasta los años 50 eran los hijos de “ las rojas y las presas”   los que arrancaban de los brazos de sus madres sin contemplaciones. Después, simplemente el   suculento negocio generado por tan tétrico engranaje funcionaba solo... ¿Cómo iban a dejar de obtener   tan sustanciosas ganancias?   Poderoso caballero es don Dinero, que a sus pies se plegaron médicos, enfermeras,  comadronas,  curas, monjas, políticos,   jueces, notarios...

No sé cómo dicen esto, de verdad, si se trataba de una obra de beneficencia controlada por   religiosas y caritativas manos.   Mucho mejor los niños, las niñas, en familias bien, pudientes, de la alta sociedad que en manos de estas mujerzuelas, solteras, parias, ignorantes. Además somos considerados, oiga,   si pare dos le dejamos una. Un mercado de adopción ilegal institucionalizado, consentido. A costa de jóvenes modest, threatened, intimidated, blamed, tricked ... whose only mistake was, in many cases, go to your Hope or social worker.

These practices lasted well into the 80's. The National Association of People Affected for illegal adoptions, ADD , estimates that up to 300,000 newborn babies could be illegally separated from their families into believing they were dead. I wonder if the guilty parties will pay their debt to justice (human, not divine) or if you pass another shameful page of our recent history. While not indict judge who is investigating ...

Leo in a diary found twins separated at birth by this procedure. Death seems to live as two drops of water. Look at them. Separated in the name of God and assembled by human stubbornness. Nobody return the time lost, stolen life. But these, at least, I have returned the smile.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Silence Of Beasts Elisabeth De Fontenay

RE: Global Information Qualified


Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 17:07:04 -0300 To
Subject: Ranked Global Information