Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dog,swollen Belly, Rat Poision

(10/30/1910 to 03/28/1942)

Miguel Hernández

English poet and playwright

"Miguel of Spain, star
scorched earth,
not forget you, my son!
but I learned life
your death:
barely veiled my eyes,
and found me
not crying
Expect! Wait for me! "
Pablo Neruda

born October 30, 1910 in Orihuela (Alicante). Son of a goat herder. He studied at the Jesuit school but quit his studies to earn a living as a milkman and pastor, and then was fond of reading especially English classical poetry.
He was interested in theater and attended performances that were held in the People's House Orihuela, even got to participate in any of them. Public
some poems in the newspaper and magazine Orihuela El Gallo Crisis. He was part of the literary circle in Orihuela, and Ramon Efren Sijé Fenoll which was a great friend. In the 30's travel to Madrid, looking for work, but despite their efforts, without success. Carries its verses the writer Ernesto Giménez Caballero director The Literary Gazette, one of the best literary magazines of the time, but fails to publish them. Published, this time in the journal Cruz y Raya , self sacramental Who has seen and who sees you and shadow of what you were , was a collaborator of Jose Maria Cossio in Bulls and poets known as the Chilean Pablo Neruda and English Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda and others.
Wikimedia Revista de Occidente and maintains a relationship with the painter Maruja Mallo, which inspired some of the sonnets The ray that continues . He married 1937 with Josefina Manresa. Affiliate
English Communist Party, during the Republic took part in the educational missions, trying to bring culture to the poorest areas of Spain. During the English Civil War he joined the Republican army and attended the Congress international anti-fascist intellectuals 1937 in Valencia. After the war he was arrested in the Portuguese border. Sentenced to death, he commuted to thirty years. He was in prison in Palencia in September 1940 and in November went to the prison in Ocaña (Toledo). In 1941 he moved to Alicante Adult Reformatory, where he shared a cell with the playwright Buero Vallejo. They then suffered from bronchitis and typhoid, which was complicated with tuberculosis. He died in the prison infirmary at 5:32 am on March 28, 1942, with 31 years of age.

In his work, the stylistic quality of his verses, the result of his passionate reading of the classic English Golden Age, is linked to a chilling expressive power. The vehement voice of the poet becomes torn love, life and death in a poetic experience marked by a tragic life. His first collection of poems was Perito en lunas (1933) with a distinct Gongora, as in The ray that continues (1936), and is considered his most accomplished. His poems deal with love, death, war and injustice. In the war he wrote Wind Village (1937), poetry activist. Cruelty de la guerra y el sufrimiento de el campo de batalla es lo aparece en  El hombre acecha (1938). Ya preso, termina  Cancionero y romancero de ausencias (1938-1941). Esta obra trata del amor hacia la esposa e hijos y la soledad del prisionero.


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